Outstanding agriculture teachers


Angelica Luna

On September 17th of 2022, our Buena park agriculture teachers Won awards. Starting with Ms. Nordstrom. Ms. Nordstrom has been working at Buena park high for 3 years now. She won Orange Section Outstanding Young Teacher. She says this award aims to recognize outstanding young agricultural education teachers in their third to the seventh year of teaching for their participation and leadership in civic, community, agriculture/agribusiness, and professional activities. She now will fill out an application for this award and submit it to the state to be considered for outstanding young teacher in California. Ms.Nordstrom was nominated by other agriculture teachers in Orange County. Then agriculture teachers voted and she was selected as the winner. 

Next is Mr. Worrell. Mr. Worrell has been working at Buena park for 11 years.  He received the Outstanding Agriscience Teacher 2022-2023 award. He says the reason why he won this award is that he was also  nominated by other agriculture teachers and voted on by agriculture teachers in Orange County., Mr. Worrell says that he likes working in this organization because he wants “hands-on learning and the leadership skills that the students can learn while they are in high school.  These skills transfer to lots of things that students will do later on in their career and personal life” Lastly Ms. Fernandes, Ms. Fernandes has been working here at Buena park high for 16 years now. She says she loves working with students as they build their leadership skills and experience personal growth by competing in speech contests or taking an animal to the fair. The FFA provides endless opportunities for all students. Ms. Fernandes won an outstanding mentor in our orange section. She says the reason why she likes the FFA is that The FFA is the largest youth leadership organization in the world and she loves that every student that takes an agriculture class gets to not only participate in it but can excel in earning degrees, awards, scholarships and run for leadership positions at various levels. There is something for everyone and all of the opportunities help prepare our students to be successful adults.