This past month, we’ve had lots of things going on in our country due to a change of President. Our President has stated that he wants to get rid of all immigrants in our country due to him seeing them in a different and bad way. He’s spoken about how all immigrants are bad human beings and are all criminals. With this going on, the Latino community has spoken up and had protests all over our country. We’ve had them in multiple big cities such as Los Angeles , Manhattan, and many more. Including our beautiful city of Buena Park we had one protest about a teacher speaking on the situation in our country talking about how she would burn a Mexican flag. This led to a big protest in our city bringing over news channels, attention all over the country, and from many places.
Why Do People Protest?
You may be wondering, why do people protest? People protest for many reasons, some which include freedom of speech, to express disapproval for the government, or failure to take action, or to speak up for those who can’t. Many people went to protest on how our country is going down the wrong path by trying to deport all immigrants when they’re a big piece to our country. The latino community does what others don’t want to do. This may include work such as farm work, field work, construction, and many more jobs. So, people protest to get the word out and express their freedom of speech and try and make a change in our country using their voice.
How to Protest Safely?
Now you may be wondering what is safe protesting or how can we protest safely? Well, safe protesting includes using your voice to perform your first amendment right and expressing how you feel and the change you want to make. You can do this all while being safe and not doing anything bad or unnecessary. Some protests have gotten out of hand such as leading to robberies, assaulting, and many more crimes. This is why it is important to always protest safely and do the right thing. Don’t forget to use your voice but stay safe!
Students we interviewed: Jose Alvarado, Alejandro Soriano, Josue Gonzalez.
Branley: Who Am I here with today?
Jose: Jose Alvarado
Branley: How do you feel about all the protests that were going on this past month?
Jose: I feel like there is a pro and a con in them.
Branley: What is your pro and your con?
Jose: Some of my pros are that like most of the protest do help out like what they are protesting about.
Branley: Okay thank you for your time
Jose: No problem.
Alex: What are your thoughts on the recent protest?
Alejandro: I agree with them, the ones that are peaceful and I see why they’re doing that.
Alex: Have you ever been in a protest?
Alejandro: Me personally, no I haven’t.
Alex: What are your thoughts on your high school doing a protest?
Alejandro: I understand their reason why, I support it but I wouldn’t personally wouldn’t do it myself.
Alex: What advice would you give for those who are protesting?
Alejandro: To make sure to know exactly what they’re protesting for and make sure that their voices are heard by not getting in trouble with the government.
Alex: What message do you have for all the ones that are protesting?
Alejandro: To stay safe and to get the word out.
Alex: Thank you.
Alejandro : Thank you.
Branley: Who am I here with today ?
Josue: Jose Gonzalez.
Branley: What do you think of the recent protests that have been going on?
Josue: My thoughts on the protest is I feel like the community here at Buena Park High School did a good job standing for what they believe.
Branley: What message can you sent to people who are protesting?
Josue: To do it safely and be safe.
Branley: Thank you.