Buena Park High School’s girls’ soccer team faced off against Segerstrom on Thursday, January 23. The match took place at the school’s soccer field, kicking off promptly at 3:15 PM. The team has been diligently honing their skills since the start of the season, putting in countless hours during practices to prepare for their games. The contest was filled with energy and competitiveness, showcasing the athletes’ hard work and determination. As the final whistle blew at around 4:15 PM, both teams displayed commendable sportsmanship, reflecting the spirit of high school athletics. Unfortunately, the final score was 0-1, giving this a loss for the BP soccer team.
The team remains optimistic and united, looking forward to their upcoming matches with renewed determination. They understand that each game is a chance to learn and grow, and they commit to sharpening their tactics and enhancing their teamwork with every practice session. Focusing on improvement and perseverance, the team is eager to build momentum and strive for an exceptional season.
We recently had the opportunity to interview Dariana Ramos, a dedicated junior and key player on the Buena Park Junior Varsity (JV) soccer team. Our goal was to delve deeper into her experiences and insights into the sport she loves.
When we asked Dariana how long she has been playing soccer, she enthusiastically replied, “I’ve been playing soccer since freshman year.” However, her passion for the game started much earlier, as she has been immersed in soccer her entire life. This long-standing love for the sport influenced her decision to join the team, allowing her to continue honing her skills while engaging in something she truly enjoys.
Dariana shared one of her most cherished memories from her time on the field: “Winning a tournament and finishing in third place was incredible. It felt amazing to celebrate our teamwork and hard work.” As the team’s last center back, she plays a critical defensive role, using her strategic thinking and quick reflexes to protect her goal and support her teammates.
For those students contemplating joining the soccer team, Dariana offers valuable advice: “Join to have fun and play the sport that you love.” Her encouraging words reflect her belief that the joy of the game should always come first, emphasizing the importance of passion and enjoyment in any sport.