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The Student News Site of Buena Park High School

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Should Martial Arts Be Added To School


Buena Park High School has sports like wrestling, but how would people feel if the school added martial arts as a sport option? 

 Martial arts is a form of fighting, there are many styles of martial arts. Martial arts is practiced for more than just to fight, it can be used as self-defense, relaxation, self expression, sports and more. There are martial arts that come from different countries.

We started our interviews with Coach Prieto, a coach and supervisor here at Buena Park. We asked if the school should add martial arts as a sport. He told us that or question was good, and he thought about it before finally answering “I want to say yes, I think that’d be a great idea” but as long as the kids are safe. He then stated the injury factor would be very high, and that it’s more of a discipline sport than a team sport.

We next interviewed Martin Cortez, a student here. He says the school should add martial arts as a sport and that we would be safe. He claims nothing would be wrong with adding it.

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Our third interview was with David Gonzalez, a senior here. He thinks the school should not add martial arts because it could be dangerous, but it would be good for self-defense. He thinks it should be tested first. 

We finally interviewed Johnny Montes, a student here at the school. He believes the school should add martial arts as a sport because “we already have wrestling and it’s the same thing.” He claims students will learn self-defense from this, but that students could take it too far. “I mean there’s always something that could go wrong… in every sport… except golf.” 

Alta Loma Christian High School and BASIS Independent Freedom are both high schools that teach martial arts. They are both very experienced and have won lots of championships. Many students love the martial arts program there. 

Martial arts can have a beneficial self-improvement on your life. It would teach self-confidence and self-defense. It would help many students’ fitness and make them excited for something after a long day of school. 

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About the Contributors
Emily Gonzalez
Emily Gonzalez is a junior looking forward to her third year in journalism. As a journalist, she wants to share school activities and up-to-date news with other students and hopes to get a lot done this year.
She hangs out with her pets when she isn't doing anything school-related. She also likes foxes, tigers, and opossums, playing video games, listening to music, and hanging out with her boyfriend and family.
Jared Garcia
Jared Garcia is a junior ready for his first year of journalism. He is looking forward to writing articles and bringing information to the students.   In his free time, he sleeps. He enjoys playing video games. cooking, talking and hanging out with his girlfriend, listening to music, playing instruments, and taking long naps.

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