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Paw Prints

Tacos and Jazz 4/4/24

April 4th, 2024 was when the Tacos and Jazz concert took place. It was performed by two bands, the jazz band and the cover band. 

The jazz band started off with many different songs like Stevie Wonder’s Superstition and Pink Panther’s theme song. It was a very exciting show to watch and listen to. So many solos and vibrant syncopation.

The next band that played was the cover band. They started off with a very eerie and suspenseful opening, with the opening of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon, “Speak to me”, and a mix of audios used to make the listener feel the sense of being hurried and feeling stressed. Clocks chime, people walking, shouting, planes flying, buzzing. After all the noise, the music lets out a calm, peaceful, sound, and the band finally plays “Breathe”, the song after Speak to Me. 

After Breathe was played, they moved onto the next song, Caribou by the Pixies, a grunge song. Then, after Caribou, they played Seasons by Wave to Earth, a calm indie rock song. After, they played Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles. After, they played some Guns N’ Roses. The song they chose was Civil War. After Civil War, they played Three Souls Boogie by Three Souls on my Mind, an old 80’s Mexican rock band. The final song they played was a Mexican cumbia called Cumbia De Los Pajaritos. 

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It was a great show with great players. They all practiced hard to perfect the songs they performed. We hope everyone in the audience enjoyed it too.

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About the Contributors
Emily Gonzalez
Emily Gonzalez is a junior looking forward to her third year in journalism. As a journalist, she wants to share school activities and up-to-date news with other students and hopes to get a lot done this year.
She hangs out with her pets when she isn't doing anything school-related. She also likes foxes, tigers, and opossums, playing video games, listening to music, and hanging out with her boyfriend and family.
Jared Garcia
Jared Garcia is a junior ready for his first year of journalism. He is looking forward to writing articles and bringing information to the students.   In his free time, he sleeps. He enjoys playing video games. cooking, talking and hanging out with his girlfriend, listening to music, playing instruments, and taking long naps.

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