Was everything better back then? Was music far better? We asked some people on campus about their opinions on the 70s-90s era, and we heard myriad of responses.
First, we interviewed a student teacher from Mr. Niemeyer’s class, Mr. Rev. He grew up in the 80’s and 90’s. It’s nostalgic to him. It reminds him of his family. He loves Earth Wind and Fire. His favorite song from them is September, and he always tries to find a way to include it in his DJing sessions. He’s a huge fan of Disco and he loves dancing to it. We asked him how he felt about today’s laws compared to back then and he responded “I feel like we do a lot more nowadays than back then, we put a lot more effort to ensure safety”. He ranked the decades from least favorite to his favorite. 2000s, 70s, 90s, 80s, 2020s, 2010s. We asked him if he wanted the 70s-90s society to come back and he replied “No, hard no.”
We caught Mr. Love in the hallways and we decided to interview him, we asked him if he liked any music from the 70s-90s and he said he loved it all. He didn’t enjoy much of the over-synthesized stuff from the 80s though. He loves Pearl Jam and his favorite song from them is Black. He wants to bring back the grunge/alternative style from the 90s. We asked him about the laws and society back then compared to now and he said “The laws were the best they could be for the time. Those laws wouldn’t work today, and these laws wouldn’t work back then”. He ranked the decades from 70s, 2010s, 2020s, 80s, 2000s, to 90s being the best. We asked him about society back then in the 90s, if it was better than today, and he replied, “No, it had its time, I think every period had its time. It’s time to move on to the next one”.
We also caught Ms. Beauchamp in the hallways. We asked her if she liked any music back then and she said yes, she loved Punk Metal bands and Grunge but her favorite band was Bon Jovi, and her favorite song from him is Living On A Prayer. She would bring back the rock and roll style. We asked her if the laws and society are better today than before and she said “Yes, we are making progress”. Her top three favorite decades were the 80s, 2000-10s, and 90s in first place because she didn’t have anything to worry about back then. We asked her if she would bring back the society from the 90s and she replied, “I mean there’s a lot of problems with women and lgbtq rights in that era, the culture was great, but rights not so much. I’d give up awesome music to get more rights for people.”
Next, we interviewed both JROTC instructors, Colonel Miller and Sergeant Carney. They both liked the 70s-90s music. Colonel said he liked Boston, The Rolling Stones, and Queen. He didn’t pay much attention to the style back in the day but he said the clothes can go, he much prefers the style today than back then. Sergeant likes Def Leopard, and his favorite song from them is Animal. He prefers 80s music over anything else.
Next, we interviewed one of the greatest history teachers to ever teach, Mr. Liddicoat. He loves 70-90s music. Just like Mr. Love though, he said, “I’m not a big fan of the synthesizer stuff or hair bands from the 80s even though I listen to Van Halen and Def Leppard. They’re good but my generation what we’re referring to is something your generations didn’t get to deal with. MTV changed everything. Madonna would make Taylor Swift look like nothing if we had social media back in the day”. We asked him what his favorite band and song from that band is and he replied with, “Jane’s Addiction, Pigs in Zen. I do like Beastie Boys and Black Crows though”. He was a Punk Rocker. He loves Ska and Punk. He likes the horn section in Ska because it’s different and better. We asked him about the laws back then and he said, “We still live with the same laws. I’m not one of those people who says ‘This generation is so this and we were that ”. I don’t care but I wouldn’t give up the era I grew up in for this era. I wouldn’t give it up for anything. We didn’t have the stupid pressures of social media”. We asked him about society back then and he replied, “What’s done is done. Just move on. I say the last 10 years are the worst. Only because I’m fat and out of shape. But, there hasn’t been a bad year. Just make the most of it. Your young years should be your best years. But I’ve heard some people say high school was the best years of their life, and some say it was their worst”. He ranked the decades from least to favorite. “70s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s, 80s, and 90s at the top, The 90s were my best years. The chicks dug me, I was in good shape and I had a full head of hair.”
In conclusion, everyone has different opinions on the style and laws back then. Many like it better now, but others prefer the 70s-90s era.