Extreme game from boy’s volleyball on tuesday! Buena Park and Savanna were head-to head with eachother and had multiple rally points. Both teams had strong players on their sides and were clearly showing how much they wanted the win. Rick Owen, the core of our boy’s volleyball team, gave us multiple sets for our spikers to hit. Not only did he give us good sets but also scored some points himself. He did this alongside Diego Guzman, Angel Iribe, and Francisco Flores; our spikers of tonight. They each shone tonight in their own way showing us what they were cable of.

Our boys clearly showed they weren’t here to mess around. We ended up going overtime due to a tie. Both teams were extremely tired before they started the fifth round. They battled non-stop till it was match point. Unfortunately, Savanna took the win in our first home game of the season. Even though we lost 13- 15, our boys still showed respect to Savanna. Even though they were disappointed, they have showed great sportsmanship. Just because we didn’t win today, doesn’t mean we won’t win next time!